Welcome to the Dundee mathematics pages. Are you enjoying mathematics at school and considering studying mathematics at University?
A mathematics degree enables you to become a logical numerate problem solver. Picking up from the mathematics that you have learned at school, you would:
- develop knowledge of core principles of mathematics
- learn about exciting new areas of mathematics
- learn how to apply mathematics in real-world contexts
Mathematics graduates have excellent career prospects. They tend to work across the economy (e.g. in finance, defence, computing, engineering, education, data science etc.).
The posts below have been developed in parallel with events that have been run by Dundee mathematics staff. The main aim is explore mathematical threads that you may have come across during school.
Modelling drug delivery
Differential Equations
Recurrence relations and chaos
Recurrence relations
Discrete maths
Introduction to population dynamics
Population dynamics
Differential Equations
Modelling the spread of infectious disease
Infectious diseases
Population dynamics
Differential Equations
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